BEC certifies its events as sustainable with the award of the Erronka Garbia seal

In line with its commitment to sustainability and using the SDG 2030-Sustainable Development Goals agenda as a roadmap, Bilbao Exhibition Centre has begun certifying its events with the Erronka Garbia seal. The first to achieve it was Expovacaciones, a leading tourism event which held its last edition in Hall 1, attended by nearly 24,000 people. The final report highlights the fact that 34% of the attendees arrived at the venue by public transport and 12% on foot. Regarding energy, 43% of the energy consumed was of renewable origin. Water had no impact on the event’s environmental footprint and13,375 kilos of waste was collected for recycling.

The next event to be awarded the Egurtek label will be held at BEC on 19 and 20 October. Since its inception, the 9th International Forum on Architecture and Construction in Wood has emphasised this field’s transformative role and is a clear exponent of the value of wood in sustainable construction, which is why it fully conforms to the philosophy acknowledged by this certificate. Its organisational team is already working on adapting the plan to suit the event’s specific needs and venues.

The Erronka Garbia seal is awarded by Ihobe, the Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Company and recognises events that integrate environmental measures into their design and organisation to minimise potential negative impacts on the environment. To achieve this certification, the organisation assesses the aspects in which it has some influence to improve and make a difference compared to previous editions.

Actions such as adjusting the intensity of light and temperature to the different times of day; reducing stands’ energy use; applying sustainable elements in signage or strengthening awareness-raising messages through communications, social media and the website, among many others, are decisive measures in making an event sustainable. The six main areas on which Bilbao Exhibition Centre is working are mobility, energy, water, procurement, infrastructure and waste.

By |2023-09-29T09:52:51+02:003 de October de 2022|0 Comments

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